Basic Pneumatic Power On Demand Streaming Video MP4  – OUTLINE FLP1P Video Curriculum Outline


The Basic Pneumatic Power Video Curriculum represents a series of video presentations covering basic pneumatic fluid power topics commonly associated with the utilization of fluid power energy at an introductory level. Basic concepts involving pneumatic fluid power energy, components, and how they are utilized are the explored topic areas. All videos are in an MP-4 format and can be used in live and virtual environments.

These videos are designed to elaborate on the commonly found fluid power systems on the factory floor and construction sites. They will also enhance any learning materials covering various technical topics. These could also appeal to a learner’s “just in time” learning experience.

Any videos used in the educational process are not meant to replace textbooks nor the role of instructors/teachers delivering training on electrical technology. Suggested learning environments utilizing these learning videos could include:

Typical Classroom Delivery

On-Line Classroom Delivery

Apprenticeship Learning Environments

Self-Taught Fluid Power Technology Environments

Introduction to Pneumatics -FLP1P001 - Run Time: 9 Minutes


1. Describe Pneumatic Applications of Fluid Power

2. Name Pneumatic System Components

3. Describe Pneumatic System Component Function

4. Relate Pneumatic Power Systems to Work

Pneumatic Power & Storage Units - FLP1P100 - Run Time - 6 Minutes


1. Identify Pneumatic Power Unit Components

2. Relate Pneumatic Power Units to Work

3. Identify Pneumatic Receivers

Pneumatic Power Conditioning -FLP1P300 - Run Time - 6 Minutes


1. Identify Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components

2. Relate Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components to their Function

Pneumatic Power Control - FLP1P400 - Run Time - 11 Minutes


1. Identify Directional Control Valves

2. Determine Directional Control Valve Flow

3. Identify Directional Control Valve Actuators

Pneumatic Power Loads - FLP1P500 - Run Time - 12 Minutes


1. Identify Pneumatic Power Loads

2. Identify Pneumatic Cylinder Types

3. Identify How Pneumatic Load Power is Developed


FLP1P Series Video Curriculum Outline



The Basic Pneumatic Power Video Curriculum represents a series of video presentations covering basic pneumatic fluid power topics commonly associated with the utilization of fluid power energy at an introductory level. Basic concepts involving pneumatic fluid power energy, components, and how they are utilized are the explored topic areas. All videos are in an MP-4 format and can be used in live and virtual environments.


These videos are designed to elaborate on the commonly found fluid power systems on the factory floor and construction sites. They will also enhance any learning materials covering various technical topics. These could also appeal to a learner’s “just in time” learning experience.


Any videos used in the educational process are not meant to replace textbooks nor the role of instructors/teachers delivering training on electrical technology. Suggested learning environments utilizing these learning videos could include:


                Typical Classroom Delivery

                On-Line Classroom Delivery

                Apprenticeship Learning Environments

                Self-Taught Fluid Power Technology Environments







Introduction to Pneumatics


1.       Describe Pneumatic Applications of Fluid Power

2.       Name Pneumatic System Components

3.       Describe Pneumatic System Component Function

4.       Relate Pneumatic Power Systems to Work


Pneumatic Power & Storage Units


1.       Identify Pneumatic Power Unit Components

2.       Relate Pneumatic Power Units to Work

3.       Identify Pneumatic Receivers


Pneumatic Power Conditioning


1.       Identify Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components

2.       Relate Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components to their Function



Pneumatic Power Control


1.       Identify Directional Control Valves

2.       Determine Directional Control Valve Flow

3.       Identify Directional Control Valve Actuators


Pneumatic Power Loads


1.       Identify Pneumatic Power Loads

2.       Identify Pneumatic Cylinder Types

3.       Identify How Pneumatic Load Power is Developed



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Introduction to Pneumatics-FLP1P001-  Run Time- 9 Minutes

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe Pneumatic Applications of Fluid Power
2. Name Pneumatic System Components
3. Describe Pneumatic System Component Function
4. Relate Pneumatic Power Systems to Work

Basic Fluid Power POWER_STORAGE - FLP1P100 - Run Time-  6 Minutes

Learning Out Comes:

Pneumatic Power & Storage Units:

1. Identify Pneumatic Power Unit Components

2. Relate Pneumatic Power Units to Work
3. Identify Pneumatic Receivers

Pneumatic Power Conditioning - FLP1P300 - Run Time - 6 Minutes

Pneumatic Power Conditioning

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components
2. Relate Pneumatic Air Conditioning Components to their Function

Basic Fluid Power CONTROL - FLP1P400 - Run Time - 11 Minutes

Basic Fluid Power CONTROL - FLP1P400 :

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify Directional Control Valves
2. Determine Directional Control Valve Flow
3. Identify Directional Control Valve Actuators

Pneumatic Power Loads - FLP1P500 - Run Time- 12 Minutes

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify Pneumatic Power Loads
2. Identify Pneumatic Cylinder Types
3. Identify How Pneumatic Load Power is Developed