Strengthening Emotional Intelligence


Facilitator:  David H. Robey, PhD


Overview of class

Understanding and using emotional intelligence (EI)  increases  self-esteem, self-control and influence on others.   To be effective and successful on the job, employees cannot rely solely on intellectual skills and technical competence.  Success with people is essential to success on the job. Cultivating EI skills helps people see emotions as useful information by which to make sense of and navigate the social environment of work.  Emotional intelligence training involves learning human skills that include 1. self-awareness, 2. managing personal emotions (or €œself-regulation) 3. empathy for others€™ emotions and 4. marshaling positive emotions and passions for a full life.  This class provides training in:

  1. Perceiving emotions €“ the      ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, gestures, and      situations€”including the ability to identify personal emotions. Perceiving      emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence that makes      possible all other processing of emotional information.
  2. Using emotions €“ the ability      to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as      thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person capitalizes      fully upon changing moods to best meet the task at hand.
  3. Understanding emotions €“ the      ability to comprehend emotional language and to appreciate complicated      relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions      encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between      emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve      over time.
  4. Managing emotions €“ the      ability to regulate emotions in ourselves and others. The emotionally      intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage      them to achieve intended goals.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand emotional intelligence competencies
  2. Understand the difference between IQ and EIQ
  3. Increase EQ skills in the four cornerstones of emotional intelligence
  4. Manage disruptive emotions that hijack behavior
  5. Strengthen working relationships to increase productivity



Facilitator: David H. Robey, PhD


Effective mentoring maximizes professional and personal potential. Mentoring is not a replacement for coaching or training; it is unique in the process of building team members.  The term €œmentor€ comes from the classic Greek story by Homer, The Odyssey.  In the legend, the warrior king Telemachus went on a long journey not knowing when, or if, he would return.  Because of his love for his son, Telemachus, before he left he employed Mentor to provide €œcare and education€ for Telemachus. Mentoring, therefore, is a relationship where a person with greater experience and wisdom guides, influences, and motivates another person with lesser experience both professionally and personally.


Organizational Benefits of Effective Mentoring

  1. Builds in-house talent
  2. Improves productivity      and initiative
  3. Builds leadership      skills 
  4. Provides a clearer      understanding of the €œbig picture€ for the work team or the entire      organization
  5. Sharpens view of the      fit between personal goals and organizational needs
  6. Strengthens succession      planning


Benefits to the Mentee

  1. Professional growth
  2. Technical growth
  3. Guidance through      organizational challenges
  4. Organizational access
  5. Personal support
  6. A €œsafe zone€ for      confidential discussions


Benefits to the Mentor

  1. Sharpen leadership      skills
  2. Source of professional      value
  3. Source of personal      value
  4. Career  enhancement
  5. Gain new perspective on      people
  6.  Invest in future leadership for the organization
  7. Always come to a new      understanding of themselves

Learning objectives:

  1. Establishing the purpose of      the individual mentoring relationship        
  2. Setting goals for mentor and      mentee
  3. Structuring productive mentoring      sessions
  4. Developing key mentoring tools:  active listening, goal setting,  using effective questions, and strengthening      emotional support
  5. Defining/creating events or projects that demonstrate      goal success